Friday, January 30, 2009


so blogger tells me that this is my eighteenth post. That's fun and dandy and all those other adjectives, but it got me thinking about the number eighteen.

Who decided that when a person turned eighteen, they were mature/responsible enough to take care of themselves/take responsibility for themselves? How do you all of a sudden become an adult? It's not like we have a ritual/ceremony/trial that we must pass to verify our adultness (like spirit walks or something), we just... get a day older. But who picked 18 as the age where it's ok for us to be out past ten, driving whenever the hell we want to, voting for the future, getting drafted (do we still have that actually?), signing our own papers, stop going to the pediatrician, and all those other things?

I'm going to be eighteen in a couple months. And unless something huge happens between then and now, I do not think i'm going to be ready for all of that responsibility all at once.

but then again, it's probably not that big a deal

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

what you ought to know

youtube it. they're informative funny and basically everything that i strive for. except male. i try not to be male whenever possible. xD

i found another website because of the WYOTK guys. it's
poor jon. xD super funny tho. i read ALL of them straight in one sitting. my eyes got tired but it was worth it.

and this is what i do on finals week rather than studying. and probably the reason that i'm going to get a B in both Lit and Econ. Gov was an inevitable thing. hopefully i have an A in everything else though. we'll see.... we'll see.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


i wish i had money. then i could spend it on food and be less hungry. or i could pay people back who had to spot me when i succumbed under the insistent demands of my ever empty stomach.

maybe i just need to be less of a fatty...

but then i'll still owe people money.

(i spelled then as tehn again.... twice... my fingers! they just won't respooooooooond! T-T)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

totally inappropriate

i should be studying for bio right now, but i feel like a rebellious bamf who dgaf. =]

but yeah. i love tina fey soooo much! i saw an episode of 30 rock. it was so HIlarious. i laughed a lot.


my milkshake brings all the cows to the yard~!

and i am bo-red. bo. red. boored. boo. red. boreed. bo. reed. lol. thos are all words! except for thos. -_____-"


Friday, January 23, 2009

i should be sleeping. but i can't talk to john cuz he's on finals week an i needed to tell someone about my day. so i'll tell the internet.

hello internet. how are you?

yeah i'm good. my day? hmm... well...

i woke up at eight in the morning and therefore arrived to school ten or so minutes late. i also did not have time to shower and therefore felt icky.

gov was a free response final thinger. i feel ok about that. not great, but ok.

p.e. i found out we're having a physical fitness test. i dont think it really matters in my case since all i need is this credit and then i'll be done... but we'll see.
in bio we did a lab thinger and people disobeyed the teacher. but then again, she's not really the kind of person that inspires obedience. or inspires anything for that matter.

lunchtime we took a picture for student's league, in which we demanded funny poses for some reason... and i discovered that my teeth are hurting me and my whole mouth is just uncomfortable for no reason or a bad reason or something. i think i need to make an appointment.

multi we didnt do anything, so i read my lit book. which i like. i just wish that i didnt have to read it in such a short amount of time, cuz i didnt get to soak in the pretty words. but that meant that i didnt feel bad skimming the boring parts. which was a lot of it in truth. lol.

physics... she actually kept us after school. lame huh? stupid people need to learn to SHUT THE FUCK UP. stfu people. stfu.

and then i got home and showered and read a little and fell asleep and ate dinner and then read the rest and then finished the lit stuff and then finished the lab for bio (kinda) and then came up with an idea for 100 day gift and then came on here to tell you about my day. whew.

well internet... i hope your day was more interesting. but still happy, bcuz sometimes interesting isn't happy.

hahahah. the bears just keep multiplying!!! oO;;

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

emily chang

you think a name is so special. you think your name is your own. and then you find out... there's someone else with the same name as you! crazy business. (until you realize that statistically, it's quite rare for someone to NOT have the same name as you)

what's worse, is when you find out what someone else has done with the same name. What if they're someone famous, rich, popular, and successful? or what if they're a mass murderer? like.. would you like have the same name as the chainsaw guy around that time? and imagine the kids named osama bin laden... that's not a terribly uncommon name.

maybe it's better not to know...

or maybe i'll start a club of emily chang's around the world and we can do crazy cool secret stuff. like... t.p. the alamo! =] would that count as terrorism? ok.. nvm. or how about... help kittens in need. yeah. that sounds cool, crazy and secret. xD

or at least, two out of three is good.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

next saturday?

i believe we are having a garage sale on saturday next... which is january 24th.

i have heard tell, however, that some people have plans on that day. in any case, we are going to start early in the morning and hopefully be done by lunchtime. let either me or sayo know if you can make it! =]

even if you can't make it, try to bring stuffs for us to sell. so we can make oodles of money. and use the money to spend on our rings! =] yay! (or pocketwatches or whatever)

we need to have an actual planning day tho, like the who (is coming/working/bringing stuff to sell), what (are we selling and are we doing with the money), when (...what time to what time), where (i think ashley volunteered her house without asking yet...), and we all know the why. =]



yesterday john and i hung out. he bought me these two packets of gum at a car wash.

that's one of them

and that's the other one. the back of the birthcontrol gum has funny directions/warning on the back.
i dont know what to do with them. like.. what if my parents see? lol.

I Chop Some Parsley While Listening To Art Blakey's Version Of "Three Blind Mice"

And I start wondering how they came to be blind.
If it was congenital, they could be brothers and sister,
and I think of the poor mother
brooding over her sightless young triplets.
Or was it a common accident, all three caught
in a searing explosion, a firework perhaps?
If not,
if each came to his or her blindness separately,
how did they ever manage to find one another?
Would it not be difficult for a blind mouse
to locate even one fellow mouse with vision
let alone two other blind ones?
And how, in their tiny darkness,
could they possibly have run after a farmer's wife
or anyone else's wife for that matter?
Not to mention why.
Just so she could cut off their tails
with a carving knife, is the cynic's answer,
but the thought of them without eyes
and now without tails to trail through the moist grass
or slip around the corner of a baseboard
has the cynic who always lounges within me
up off his couch and at the window
trying to hide the rising softness that he feels.
By now I am on to dicing an onion
which might account for the wet stinging
in my own eyes, though Freddie Hubbard's
mournful trumpet on "Blue Moon,"
which happens to be the next cut,
cannot be said to be making matters any better.
Billy Collins

i love billy collins

Thursday, January 15, 2009


i just took a five hour nap. oO;; that's a good night's sleep for a lot of people. in that time i should have been doing a crapload of things. in fact i should still do those things. but instead i am blogging. i had a feeling this would consume my life. :[

so right now i am having an interesting conversation with someone via Youtube comments. They made a video of John Legend's song "If you're out there". Problem: they used 'your' instead of 'you're'. so i commented that he should change the spelling. if you want to see the whole conversation it's on the last comments on the page. i was trying to be educated without sounding like a pompous asshole. i hope i dont come off as the second thing. :[

i am now going to go watch an episode of heroes and postpone math further. specifically to this weekend. and the lab. i refuse to do the lab right now. stupid bio can kiss my posterior. otherwise i finished all the other stuffs i have to do. hopefully no reading quiz tomorrow on Macbeth Act III... gotta say... i did NOT remember litotes. that word looks like 'lit notes' squished together. heeeheee.

john said that i am the source of his happiness. and sayo's image of me being a fountain of happiness inside the room inside of his chest made me laugh. =] it was great.

Four Noble Truths of Buddhism:

1. The Nature of Suffering (Dukkha):"This is the noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering; sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering; union with what is displeasing is suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering; not to get what one wants is suffering; in brief, the five aggregates subject to clinging are suffering."
2. Suffering's Origin (Samudaya):"This is the noble truth of the origin of suffering: it is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight here and there, that is, craving for sensual pleasures, craving for existence, craving for extermination."
3. Suffering's Cessation (Nirodha):"This is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering: it is the remainderless fading away and cessation of that same craving, the giving up and relinquishing of it, freedom from it, nonreliance on it."
4. The Way (Mārga) Leading to the Cessation of Suffering:"This is the noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering: it is the Noble Eightfold Path; that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration."

...just thinking about true religion jeans. I don't think i agree with the whole... desire = suffering... because sometimes you get what you desire. especially if you work hard...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

the most secretist of secrets ever

i like it when people say things to me and tell me to keep it a secret. i like to find out what exactly they think constitutes a secret.

sometimes it really is a secret and shouldnt be told.

sometimes it is a secret that is a disguised cry for help.

sometimes it is some tidbit of info that i'm absolutely positive that no one will care about ever. ok maybe not no one.. but not anyone important.

eh. sometimes the secret isn't a secret anymore, the person who is telling me just doesnt know that.

but secrets are fun regardless. =] that's why we do things like secret santa~! or... secret keeper in harry potter! =] for fun!

Morse Code chart:

A: dot dash
B: dash dot dot dot
C: dash dot dash dot
D: dash dot dot
E: dot
F: dot dot dash dot
G: dash dash dot
H: dot dot dot dot
I: dot dot
J:dot dash dash dash
K: dash dot dash
L: dot dash dot dot
M: dash dash
N: dash dot
O: dash dash dash
P: dot dash dash dot
Q: dash dash dot dash
R: dot dash dot
S: dot dot dot
T: dash
U: dot dot dash
V: dot dot dot dash
W: dot dash dash
X: dash dot dot dash
Y: dash dot dash dash
Z: dash dash dot dot

1: dot dash dash dash dash
2: dot dot dash dash dash
3: dot dot dot dash dash
4: dot dot dot dot dash
5: dot dot dot dot dot
6: dash dot dot dot dot
7: dash dash dot dot dot
8: dash dash dash dot dot
9: dash dash dash dash dot
0: dash dash dash dash dash

my name in morse code = dot pause dash dash pause dot dot pause dot dash dot dot pause dash dot dash dash

i typed out that entire chart by hand (copy pasted dashes, but the dots are all real!).
where did that come from you ask? "desperate cry for help". bet you were expecting something about secrets.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

avoiding consequences

how often do you make empty promises?

i find that i make so many. especially at goodbyes. "i'll come back and visit!" "i'll call you next time i'm in town" "i'll see you soon"

i'm not going back to visit. i'm not going to call anyone since i'm not gonna be back in town. i'm not going to see them soon. possibly not going to see them ever. (this is about reno btw.)

but we say these things to not offend. to avoid the consequences of our actual feelings. probably.

i might just say them so that i can run away faster. :]

oh and i learned something today


guess what that is. if you know already then you're not allowed to play. if you dont know and you guess you and i might need to have a talk.


A promise (also called troth) is a psychological contract indicating a transaction between two persons whereby the first person undertakes in the future to render some service or gift to the second person or devotes something valuable now and here to his or her use. A promise may also refer to any kind of vow or guarantee.

unless it's empty.

Monday, January 12, 2009


today is monday.

so i woke up thirty minutes after my alarm went off. i have this really vague memory of picking up my phone and looking at them time. it said 6:45 and i guess i must have thought "that's way too early" turned the alarm off and rolled over.

well. that's when i'm supposed to wake up. (actually i set my alarm that early so i can hit snooze three times before i actually wake up). wow i say actually a lot. ooh! that reminds me of a guy!

sidenote: so when i was in reno, my best friend in middle school's name was joan chang. her last name was the same as mine, we had a bunch of smart kid classes together, her uncle was the head pastor of my church, her cousin asked me to senior prom when i was a freshman cuz he actually liked me a lot (kreepy old guy status... but my mom made me say yes. but now i'm digressing in the digression), and she and i both played the clarinet. really well i might add. newho. her daddy is like a professor at UNR or something so he is really smart. except that when he speaks.. he says actually in between almost every word. for example.. take that last sentence: Actually, he actually says actually in between almost every word actually. annoying. endsidenote.

so i woke up late... but got to school on time. as almost always. first period was fun.. macbeth stuff. it was like a puzzle. but i'm not good at these kinds of puzzles i suppose.. cuz we were pretty wrong. hahaha.

second period was ok... mrs. drehs was getting annoyed at people for not shutting up i think. and it made me nervous.. cuz mrs. drehs is NEVER in a bad mood. she's the sweetest person/teacher i've ever known... :[ but i think she was ok by the end of the period. such a nice lady.

third period was PE... if you didnt already know this then you need to get with the times dawg. (last three weeks yay!) and i got hit by a volleyball. but my friend got hit too. me leg. her head. i think she wins in terms of complaining rights.

erm.. after that i had a mad dash to go around and get a bulletin notice in... my club.. (students' league) is kinda dying right now. we need to come up with another project pretty soon or else.. asb might cut us. T-T

uh.. so yeah i showed up to fourth late.. and mrs. mueller SO wanted to say something but she couldnt cuz i had a NOTE. what now biotch!!! booyah. lol... it wasnt that big a deal actually but its kinda fun to talk like that.

fifth period i told the class that i might be moving into fourth period. and there was a meltdown. "NO! YOU CANT LEAVE US!!" "YOU KNOW WHAT?! WE DONT EVEN CARE! LEAVE! YOU'RE DEAD TO US!" "NO ONE IS IN THAT SEAT (the one that i was sitting in) *point* DONT TALK TO HER!" anyone tries to talk to me... "who are you talking to eh? there's no one there" (that was a canadian person.. but there were no canadians.. dont ask how that happened.) and so forth. so... i dont think i'm gonna leave. partly cuz i feel that they would be lost and confused and devastated and all those other good things w/o me. partly to spite the ones that were so vindictively insisting my nonexistance today. xP so ha.

sixth period was eh. i called audrey and had a short little talk with her. that was nice.

then i took alex home and had a short little talk with him. ^^ havent done that in a while. he told me about this crazy old lady Anita who was threatening to call the cops on him cuz he took a shower. ^^ cleanliness is next to holiness Anita... dont you know that?

took a nap. sayo called me a couple times and i didnt wake up. and then i did. and then i went to go run with her and audrey. that was fun. my head hurt... but yeah i felt accomplished. im super tired tho... might turn in earlier than usual tonight. ^^

came home and showered and stretched and ate spicy salmon rolls and worked on my bridge and watched onetreehill (dude... that brooke girl has a SEXY voice. and mia is sooooo pretty! her arms are so skinny but her boobs are big! plastic surgery? always a possibility in this world...) and ate pecan pie and drank tea nd then had to pee like CRAZY and then peed and then came online! =]

this post was very detailed and long and boring, so if you are still reading this... wow. you must REALLY love me or something. =] you can have a cookie. remind me sometime later... when i have cookies.

Cookies appear to have their origins in 7th century AD Persia, shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. They spread to Europe through the Muslim conquest of Spain. By the 14th century, they were common in all levels of society, throughout Europe, from royal cuisine to street vendors.
With global travel becoming widespread at that time, cookies made a natural travel companion, a modernized equivalent of the travel cakes used throughout history. One of the most popular early cookies, which travelled especially well and became known on every continent by similar names, was the jumble, a relatively hard cookie made largely from nuts, sweetener, and water.
Cookies came to America in the very first century of English settlement (the 1600s), although the name "koekje" arrived slightly later, with the Dutch. This became Anglicized to "cookie". Among the popular early American cookies were the macaroon, gingerbread cookies, and of course jumbles of various types.
The most common modern cookie, given its style by the creaming of butter and sugar, was not common until the 18th century.

yay for the persians!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cornerstone... Milestone...

so now for a real post.

yesterday night was my last night at Cornerstone Church. last day too actually if we want to get technical.

i told people personally.. pretty much one by one... there were a lot of girls who almost cried, including me (actually i did cry, but that was in private during prayer so it's less weepy girl-ish and more.. emo child-ish), but there were a lot more shocked faces than tearful eyes.

the hardest part was when people asked why. that's of course a natural response... if someone tells you they're making a huge decision.. basically to never see you again... wouldnt you ask why? well about thirty of them did. hahahaha. and since i told them each individually i had to say it over and over again. It really forced me to think... why? why AM i doing this?

there are a lot of reasons.

that's what i kept telling everyone yesterday, it simplified everything and didnt hurt anyone's feelings. but i think the truth is...

there are only a couple of reasons.
1. My parents are leaving, and i thought about it a lot and prayed about it a lot, and my family is the body of Christ that God gave me. I had absolutely no choice in that matter. Hence, they hold higher authority over me than my church, which I know God chooses for me too, but I also have a slight say in that matter. I prayed a lot, and it comes down to this... I will follow my family wherever they lead because God wants me to.
2. I also have some issues with the leadership at Cornerstone. I totally agree with all their "why"s, but i think i have an issue with their "how"s. The way they accomplish their goals... I feel that there is a lack of love. They approach things like an army. With tactics and pawns... it hurts me to say this, but i feel that there was a lack of love in all that they were doing. The church is an army for the Kingdom of God, but God is love and we should still be able to embody that.
3. i could feel my spiritual life... shrinking almost. I was going through the motions for a long time and smiling on the outside, but i felt no joy in serving. I was thankful to God, but I didnt say it anymore. eventually, towards the end i stopped going through the motions at all. This reason might actually be my fault, but in the end... the other reasons + this reason... it all adds up to me needing to find another church.

dont get me wrong. I loved that church. All the members of the church were my friends and I love them all. it really hurts to have to leave, but i need to follow where God leads, and right now, God is leading me to another church.

So for now, it's goodbye. But i will see them again, even if it's not in this life, heaven is that much more of a great place because i know that i can see them there. God bless you all, it's going to be hard for all of us, but if we have faith... if I have faith... He will see us through it all. xD


this is a mini post. i have an actual post to do in a minute, but these topics are so separate from each other that i had to.. separate them. hahah ^^

so john goes to sauna more often than most of you would expect. with his dad. so he has a plethora of naked sauna stories. hahah its funny. you should ask him for one. ^^

but i was thinking... what kind of guy goes to sauna that often? like.. sauna is def. a womanly thing in my brain. and then i realized. KOREAN guys. hahahaha.

just a short thought.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


lately i've been liking things with owls on them.

would you call this an obsession?

Seeing an owl in your dream, symbolizes wisdom, insight and virtue. The owl is also synonymous with death and darkness. Hearing the hoot of an owl indicates disappointments and forewarns that death creeps closely in the wake of joy and health.
whoot =]

its late at night and i have done nothing/not much today

i had to work on my bridge for physics, and do multi, do an online quiz for econ, buy a book for lit, and probably should have read the gov chapters (congress and president chapters.. heavy stuff). what i did do... i glued like three sticks onto my bridge (yay?), did the econ quiz, bought the book, watched legally blonde 2: red, white, and blonde (omg. they play the schoolhouse rock song "i'm just a bill on capitol hill" like.. intense punk rock style. it was fab. i sang along.), shopped for wallets on etsy (john wanted me to link him to one that i wanted... i sent him like five links and then told him to browse through them cuz they were links for sellers instead of specific wallets. lol. he's gonna hate me. xD), read through everybody's blogs, and now am posting this.

productivity! yay!

my feet are cold, and i didnt eat dinner. but i did eat wilson burger... hrm.

still want a pointnshoot.

feeling kinda hungry.
ya kno.. i think that when i'm hungry i just kind of like.. rant. and i can't spell (i had to go back on this sentence like twelve times). should i eat? but it's late! but i'm hungry... but i'm gonna sleep soon! T-T dilemma.

renaissance. the word is soooo weirdly spelled! oO;;

i dont like the telling you what tabs are up thing... its not fun cuz i dont usually have too many tabs up actually heheh.

soooooo. let's do random facts or something. (not like the fact of the day in the daily bulletin. those are really random and pointless. these will make you a better person! more informed! etc.)

portmanteau- a blend of two words (example: brunch! or.. brinner!)

The usage of the word 'portmanteau' in this sense first appeared in Lewis Carroll's book Through the Looking-Glass (1871), in which Humpty Dumpty explains to Alice the coinage of the unusual words in Jabberwocky:
"‘slithy’ means ‘lithe and slimy’... You see it's like a portmanteau—there are two meanings packed up into one word"
"‘Mimsy’ is ‘flimsy and miserable’ (there's another portmanteau ... for you)".
Carroll uses the word again when discussing lexical selection:
Humpty Dumpty's theory, of two meanings packed into one word like a portmanteau, seems to me the right explanation for all. For instance, take the two words "fuming" and "furious." Make up your mind that you will say both words ... you will say "fumious."
Carroll suggests here a double metaphor. The original meaning of the word 'portmanteau' is a form of suitcase containing two separated hinged compartments; thus: two distinct words, packed as one. The word 'portmanteau' is itself a 'portmanteau word', deriving from the French compound "portemanteau" consisting of the conjugated word porter (to carry) and the word manteau (coat), meaning a coat hanger.

:] betcha didnt know that.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

i seem to be updating this a lot more than i thought i would. perhaps because I am more bored than i ever thought i would be.

i didnt do very well on the Sophocles timed write. i think that what i do is that when I dont know what to write, or don't have anything to say... i end up saying one thing in like eight thousand diff ways. just to fill the page. perhaps it would be better if i just wrote it out once and had a super short essay.. rather than repeat myself so much.

i think i'll take a nap.

Monday, January 5, 2009


you know how people enter clever things into blank spaces? like.. on an application or something?

sex: yes please.
weight: how rude.

i have nothing to say about it.

i thought i did, which is why i started to write about it, but i have nothing to say about it at all.

sorry about the waste of time that that was. -_-"

Sunday, January 4, 2009

first post!

yay for first posts!

i'm not sure how faithfully i shall be updating. nor how entertaining each post shall be. (i dont take pictures as often as my friends do. and if i do, i dont upload them onto my computer. lame.)


first post! yay!


hmm.. today was actually quite eventful. i got home from vegas, which was how i spent the first few days of the year 2009. in the city of sin. oO;; not so sinfullly tho. so that's good. i slept most of the way. and i really really had to pee. cuz... we ate at this super yummy dimsum place (which ended up being like twenty dollars per person, and since we had like way more than one person... more like... 2+4+4+4+3+3+3=23 times 20 = $460 holy smokes!!! oO;;) anyways. the dimsum place had tea. and tea makes you pee like a monster. but our first stop on the fournd a half hour trip.. i didnt have to pee. so i was like. eh. it's chill. but theeeeeen. we didnt stop until we got home. which was like.. all day. so... i pee'd. and it felt sooo good. lol. but yea.

we ate dinner at the soondooboo place on sepulveda and western. bcd. yummy yummy in my tummy. (retrospectively, even without any lunch i ate very well today)

and... i discovered that i do NOT have to turn in my stinking fizzix project-which i ran all over las vegas trying to find toothpicks for, plus i missed out on doing stuff cuz i was trying to finish it while i was IN vegas- until next wednesday (the 14th). so i had plenty of time to work on my essay for lit. but instead i made this blog and i curled my hair. (which made it surprisingly ugly. lol.)

what else happened today.. hrm. nothing much i guess. long day filled with nothing. same as this post i expect.

oh.. everyone seems to have like a little thing that they do... like.. quote of the day or something, but i decided to do what tabs are up right now instead.

1. Blogger: scrub yourself squeaky clean - Create Post (this one is always going to be up... so i'm going to ignore it from now on)
2. Windows Live Hotmail
3. What is a Loofah?

and the third one is what inspired my url. which alex will understand the importance of. =]