Thursday, June 18, 2009

someone asked me

when i'm going to be available for hanging out in korea.

i have asked.
and the answer is this:

starting from june 2nd or 3rd.

which means that for the rest of the time, i will be sweating and walking and sight seeing and saying ooh and aaah and taking generic tourist photos and hopefully some not so generic photos for your viewing pleasure. which means i will not have the time to be meandering seoul with my buddies. :[

ah wellz. i will miss you all immensely.

as soon as i get some contact information, i will let you know my contact information ^^


Saturday, June 13, 2009


everyone's posts are like bullets.

super fast and short. =]

or like a dwarf breaking the sound barrier, whichever image suits you.

i'm back from berkeley y'all. and i'm sure you missed me. i haven't adopted hella yet, but apparently i will. dont shoot me. with your bullet entries. hahaha. ^^

i have enrolled in classes, and the future doesnt look so fun. but we'll see. it'll probably be a blast. =]

thank goodness i wont be lonely with audrey around.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

no one's posting...

so i'll post.

i miss you all!

this hotel room is big and empty with just me and my dad.
i have to wake up super early in the morning and so i should sleep soon, but my daddy is using the bathroom so i can't wash up for bed.

i am going to be so sad if this is how college is going to be. hopefully there will be some ok people that i can make friends with. i hope the same for you guys. =]


Sunday, June 7, 2009



sabrina and audrey came over to get ready, which was fuuuun ^^
ashley came by, and we marveled at the beauty of her hair. sooo cool. heehee
sayo came and brought her straightener for sabby.
i did audrey's makeup! hahaha i never did that for anyone else before, so i was proud at how it came out. and sabby did audrey's hair and it came out really really nice. ^^ so happy.

went with sabby to her house while her mom fussed at us in korean. hhahaha poor jeff. he was like.. ok.

went to mikie's house and took a bunch of pictures... i managed to not make faces for the parents, but the rest of the time i was back to ugly expressions.

mmm then took off in the sexy convertible. once we got there we had to find the parking lot. the lady talked really fast, but we used team work to recall what she said and found frankenstein. i hadnt been to universal in a really really long time (like since i was four) so it was cool to see it again.
the place was nice, and people were all dressed pretty.
dk and i scraped money together to pay for pictures and then went in to eat. garsh it was sooo yummy. ^^ but i got full surprisingly quickly.
then we went and got a caricature. that was funny =] i think it was pretty accurate heehee.
karaoke was fun sometimes and then really horrible other times.
and then we danced.
which was sweaty and hot and i dont even know. =] but fun. it was kind of awkward actually, since we were all in a circle kind of staring at each other. lol.
once we started dancing, the night went pretty fast. break for drink once in a while, but the hours just passed really fast.
and then all of a sudden, the bass stopped pounding, the lights came on, and sayo and i sang along to the love song while security calmly but sternly ushered us out of the area.
dk and i sped past jeff and sabby on the escalators and then we got back in the car to go home.
i experienced 110 miles per hour as we went dooooown and then UUUP again (the freeway had a dip). that was fuuun =]
fell asleep on the way back i think, cuz we got home surprisingly fast.
then i showered and went to sleeeeeeeeeep.

all in all 