Thursday, April 8, 2010

i'm tired of waiting

i feel like i'm always waiting for something/someone.
a test coming up, a class i have to go to, a paper i need to write.
a book i need to order from another library, a fundraiser for a club,
a boy? a new church, a new fellowship group...

i'm tired of waiting.

but the only thing i can do to stop waiting, is wait. lol the irony.


  1. Well if you're not waiting for anything, doesn't that imply that you have nothing in your future that you're looking forward to?

    The only way to not wait for anything would be to achieve some sort of otherworldly state of living in the present.

  2. well, i guess the contrasting state of being (that i would prefer to my waiting), would be of being preoccupied with the present so that even though i am waiting, technically, i dont feel as though i am waiting.

    so maybe the more accurate thing to say in this case, is that i'm tired of nothing happening now and everything seeming to happen in the future. or something like that.
