Thursday, March 25, 2010

fuckity fuck fuck fuck

so i'm sure facebook informed you all of the sad state my laptop is in.
but to go into details..
it crashes every so often (record being three times in two days) for no reason. i'm starting to think virus(es)?
and now the screen's contact broke, according to my father.
which means that when i open it, it flickers a little, and then the backlit thing just kinda stops working.
so i have to transfer all my documents and shit onto my external harddrive.
the thing says it'll take three hours.

so i am now going to try and shop for a new laptop. toshiba?
i want to get a 16" with 4 gigs of ram and large harddrive space, and preferrably something like 2.6 gigs for my cpu. it'd also be heavenly to have a 9cell battery.
my dad is saying that i should get a smaller one. something like 14" because it's more energy efficient and has a longer battery life. which means sacrificing processor (down to maybe 1.3 gigs). He thinks i can take up a 19" monitor that we have lying around at home (i havent seen this but i'm sure he'd know) and i guess buy a new keyboard/mouse? and then dock my laptop.

but then that makes me think, why not just get a netbook and a desktop then? same thing basically, but no need to dock the laptop.

but i really dont like netbooks. they're so tiny, i cant read/see anything. which becomes an issue when i'm taking it to class and need to look online for lecture slides or something...

and then there are the few crazy people who are telling me to get a mac.
which i would, but i dont really want to take that month of getting used to a mac in the middle of my midterms and papers and stuff where i kinda need to be proficient with my computer. and also i think that mac's are overrated and too expensive.

input? what do you guys think?
i kinda need to do all the shopping today online and then go to the store to buy it with my daddy tomorrow. because i need it for school.

speaking of which, i dislike the fact that i have homework over break due to being on the semester system.
i have an essay due monday that i havent started yet, joy of joys.
i have a shitload of reading to do/articles to find for my final paper outline which is due on wednesday. and i have no idea where to start with that. happy birthday TO me.
and i have a midterm coming up in immunology that i'm SOOO not ready for. zipideedoodah.

at least...

cant think of anything.


  1. i want a netbook!

    but that's mainly cuz my current laptop is a super beast that is meant as a desktop replacement...

    i just want something i can carry around without it breaking my back... but that's just me...

    i would go with a small laptop if i were you.

  2. yeah just get a small laptop and bring the monitor up with you. unless you're doing like editing of anything you don't really need it to be all that fast either. most people just go online with theirs.

    unless you want to use it just to play games.

  3. Yeah, to second what Jeff says. Unless you're photo/video editing, or running a buttload of intensive programs for whatever reason, you really don't need all that high of specs. I'm pretty sure 1.3 ghz will run Microsoft Word just fine.

    My friend runs a dual monitor setup with a small-ish laptop and 21" lcd. Works like a charm.

  4. MacBook.
    'Nuff said.

    buuuuuuut, seeing as how you probably won't get one.

    13 - 15 inches is fine for a screen in class and 19" would be awesome for the room.

    As for a netbook, because they're so cheap, I know a lot of people who have both a laptop and netbook, but nobody I know has just a netbook, so I wouldn't make your primary computer a netbook.

    There's no reason to spend too much money on a laptop (unless it's a Mac), so I say get the energy efficient one your dad suggests and take the monitor.
