Friday, March 26, 2010

so this is what i have done

bought me a nice little netbook.
10" screen dealio with a promised 11HOURS of battery life. whoopie! ^^
toshiba you crafty fools.
admittedly it's kind of small and hurts to type on it for too long, but this is only going to be my primary for a little while (projecting a week-ish?)
mostly this is for taking to class and whatnot.
very portable and light.
specs if you're curious:
1.6 ghz cpu
bout 1 gig of ram.
120 gigs of hard disk space.
6cell battery

all in all i am pretty darn satisfied.
the screen resolution is very nice as well. considering.
and 11 HOURS??? jeeze louise

and as a more permanent solution i'm getting a compaq desktop (compaq again, they're not too great with laptops in so far as i have seen... not too sturdy... but hopefully desktop will be better) with a 23" monitor. which is huge! but my dad was like, well it's only ten more dollars than the 21" so....
and i was like


and now i'm going to write about five million essays on this tiny little netbook while trying not to overdose on tylenol. seriously my wrists are like "use proper typing form you nitwit!"
and i'm like "no!"


  1. love how you didn't do what anyone suggested for you on your blog... still pretty jealous of your netbook though...

  2. yeah it's very easy to take places. ^^
    and i didnt get to see your guys' input until i had already bought my shtuff.
    lol. sorrryyyyy.
    thanks for the feedback tho u guys! ^^
