Monday, October 12, 2009

i've been eating ramen way too often

and hot cheetos. and chips. and cookies. and chocolate. and mike and ikes. and french fries. and shit....

i am sooooooo going to get fat this semester. T-T

in other news, i got two B's on my midterms (still dont know how the third one turned out).
i keep skipping lectures/discussions.
didnt go to any classes on thursday, and i almost got to class this morning, but i had to come back to let audrey into our room.
and then i fell asleep and didnt go to math discussion.

in other other news my ear hurts.
because i pierced my cartilage. and my right lobe.
but only the cartilage one hurts. every time i touch it (which i do a lot because i push my hair behind my ear and i happen to graze the back of the earring. which hurts).

just a quick update. :]

oh and emotionally i feel a bit frazzled.
just because i know i should be feeling something, but i dont.
i feel so apathetic about everything...
i think that's a symptom of depression, but i am not depressed. dont worry.

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