Wednesday, November 3, 2010

my friend told me

that she once read in a book that you should get five hugs a day.
2 is healthy
3 is okay
4 is good

but 5 is best.

who wants to hug me? :]

Monday, November 1, 2010

tonight i went to prayer meeting

in alameda.

that is literally all i have done today.

lately i've been really unmotivated in terms of school, housework, and even relationships with people actually. I feel no need to talk to people or meet new people or hang out with old friends... I dont care enough about class to go to class, so i dont prepare for class since i know i wont go.
And this is coming at the worst time since i have papers and midterms coming up within the next couple weeks.
i dont want to do anything, including laundry or cooking to feed myself.
sometimes i'm unmotivated to the point of not showering or changing out of my clothes from sleeping all day long and just going back to bed again at night.
and not being motivated is simply making me feel like a failure and making me really guilty.
but i'm still not motivated.

and don't tell me to just do it.
i already know that i have to just do it.

i just dont see the point in anything anymore.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

trickle trickle plop PLOP.


usually i wake up earlier than necessary because i have to pee, roll over and decide to hold it until i really have to wake up and then sleep more.
but these days i wake up and then cant fall back asleep because the rain makes me need to pee even MORE and i can't ignore it.
i still crawl back in bed after i pee though ^^

i want to start a band!
i keep getting nostalgic praiseband memories, and i miss playing an instrument in coordination with other people. There is a sort of wonderful feeling that comes from making pretty music with someone else when it is done well. You are capable of connecting to another person and grow comfortable with them... there's nothing else quite like it that i have yet to encounter so far.

the likelihood of this ever happening, however, is not high.

i have a midterm tomorrow in oceanography.
we shall see how this proceeds.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

i've started

a tumblr.


and i'm also very sleepy.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

weekend at home

i got to visit home for basically a day...
it was kind of good, since i felt a little bit like i was in high school again (even went dress shopping. and may i say.. i look smexy.)
so that meant that i felt a little less pressured and a bit more relaxed...
plus i got to see many lovely faces while i was back, including sabrina's to our surprise. :]
i miss you guys already!

didnt get any tacos though. that was a tad disappointing...

and i also ate for free all weekend cuz my parents paid (well they pay for my food anyways, but it physically came out of their pocketbooks at the table so it felt different.)

and i hate the ascent during plane rides.
FREAKS me out dude.

and thats all i can think of.

Friday, October 1, 2010


i wonder what it would be like to take a semester off.

Just leave and take a break for a while.
Maybe go into the mountains where the only technology i have is a landline telephone and running water.
Just pray, buy groceries, take walks, read books.

No more worrying or being afraid or feeling alone while you're surrounded by people.

Because being alone because you choose to be and feeling alone when you're really not are two very different things. And somehow it seems that the first option would be serene and peaceful where the second option is full of unintentional rejection and loneliness.

Or maybe I would go to another city. Someplace where no one knows me. Start fresh.
Or stay at home and soak up my family. Every last ounce of them, because no one else will love you as unconditionally and no one else will annoy you half as much.

I think i'm just exhausted, and i dont want to be a quitter or give up or be weak or anything like that... but i'm so FUCKING exhausted...

on a different note,
i'll be in torrance this weekend and have made plans to see a couple of you. If you and I arent already planning to hang out and you're free on saturday, feel free to call me k? :]

i love you all!

Friday, September 17, 2010

i'm so


that is all.

Monday, September 13, 2010

the truth is...

it bothers me.
it bothers me sooo much.

it brings me to tears,
and i cant leave my bed in the mornings sometimes.

but i cant tell you that. Because you're trying so hard not to hurt me.
I love you, and I'm very thankful to you.
I'm sorry that I can't offer you any more comfort.
I'm sorry that I can't always be there for you.
I'm sorry that I try to speak and choke on tears instead, so all you hear is silence.

I miss you and I'll see you soon.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


so as far as i am aware, everyone has gotten their secret santa person. because no one has spoken up otherwise. lazies.

and ashley is the only person who has sent me a wishlist. BUT, I was talking to audrey, and she thinks that restricting the wishlist to X amount of things is lame and that she likes to have LOTS of options sooooo... i guess fuck it and do what you like. if you cant think of a ton of shit then whatever and if you have a lot of wishes, tell us. i mean, the point of a wishlist is to be helpful to the people who have to get you something. so use your best judgement.

so ashley if you want more stuff go ahead and send it to me and i'll add it to your list. :]

and i will have the list to you guys as SOON as the last person sends it to me. so please dont waste your time studying and decide what material goods would most satisfy your deepest desires to be wanted and loved in this world. oh gosh i'm too tired to be writing a blog post. nothing i'm writing is making any sense.

i'll probably edit this later to fix the oddness.
but basically, send me your wishlists soon k? kthnxbai

Thursday, September 9, 2010


why doesnt this burn you??


please let me know if you havent received your secret santa yet.
i sent out multiple emails... but yeah. sometimes it just doesnt happen.
so let me know.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

well it's been a while.

I'm not super exciting lately. No profound thoughts. No cool events.
I'm so boring! T-T

My classes this semester are quite manageable up to this point. I just need to buckle down and make sure I dont waste too much time like i did this past weekend. OH. i finished all the episodes of big bang theory. and now i'm sad. but there's less to distract me :]
also, this past saturday was the first football game against UCDavis. It wasnt really fair because it was their first division one game, but we sort of crushed them. 49-3. As a result we got 25% off at the student store! so now i have a long sleeved shirt and a pair of sweats that say BERKELEY or UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY etc. It's crazy though. Cal gear is like an addiction. I get more and more but I'm never satisfied. Like i want some V-necks and a pair of comfy shorts and a zip up jacket and another pull over sweater and a teddy bear and another mug and a scarf and a pair of gloves and someone stop me! aaah!! oO;;


oh i guess i could talk about how i'm conflicted about what extracurriculars i want to do.
So i want to do CLAM (Cal Literary and Art Magazine) which sounds SUPER cool, kinda low maintenance and the people seem sophisticated and awesome. They meet Tuesdays at 8-9pm.
I also want to join a small group with either my church Livingwater or my fellowship group InterVarsity. All the small groups seem to meet on Wednesday or Tuesday at either 7 or 8pm and will probably last for at least two hours.
Lastly, I want to stay involved in Camp Kesem. They meet on Wednesdays at probably 7pm, although I am not sure.

If i could give up anything I feel like it would be Camp Kesem for just this semester, since they mostly just do fundraising and socials this semester. But I really want to do it still. :[
dilemma's suck.

anyways, this update is mostly because I havent posted in a while. I dont have much to say really.

Monday, August 23, 2010

camp kesem

oh my goodness!

i had a really really good time at camp. seriously if your school does have a camp kesem you should join it and become a counselor. because i just had a solid week of exhausting fun.

it has been so long since i hung out with a bunch of kids that i forgot how awesome they can be. they say cute things, they goof off, they're REALLY creative and funny, and above all they're really innocent and sweet. My experience was especially awesome since my kids had little to no behavioral issues. If you told them to stop doing something they might argue a little or come up with excuses, but they would stop. I'm so grateful that our kids were basically little angels.

Honestly, the whole purpose of camp didn't really hit home more than a couple times. The cancer aspect of it rarely came up, but when it did it was simply inspiring how these kids could manage to smile and laugh and joke around even though they were going through such tough stuff.

I dont want to sound cheesy or philosophical or abstract or anything, but it was seriously a blessing to participate in something like this. I had SO much fun, and yet I felt like i was making some sort of contribution towards bettering these kids' world.

Of course, by the end of camp i was sick as a dog with a fever, cough and body aches. After almost a day and a half of straight sleeping though, I am all better. Slight cough still but i feel great!

now i just have to do the laundry... :[

Monday, August 9, 2010

secret santa, year 3!

i know its kind of ridiculously early, but i want to pick names early this year so that we can do this thing properly. (instead of people getting their gifts months later)

and i know that we arent in the same place right now... most of us are on trips and things. so i wanted to put this out there early! make sure that everyone knows ya kno?

as such!
this is a website that can "pick names out of a hat" for us!
so i was going to ask you all to get back to me with your preferred email address sometime before the end of august.

and lets send out wishlists again! early, like i said! so that if you want something from the internet we have time to order it and all. :]
and lets just do one present this year and have a big gift exchanging party! ^^ yaaaaah!
with a reasonable price range? something where we can get an actually nice present, but that we dont go completely broke.

mmm yeap just a thought.

my email address:


Sunday, August 8, 2010

do you remember

hot cheetos and cream cheese?

very delicious.
very unhealthy.

mmmmm... so good.

Monday, August 2, 2010


i remember when i was younger, like elementary school or so
i used to watch the bruce lee movies on vhs.
i dont remember who with or when, but i remember watching them and liking them a lot.
and we had so many of them that i dont remember which snippets in my memory are from which movie.
so who wants to have a marathon with me and help me figure out which ones are actually good and which ones are just flimsy plot, nonsensical dubbing, and kick-ass action scenes?

i do.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

i love

ashley's joke. :]

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thursday July 22, 2010

I got a tattoo.

This post is for record keeping purposes. In case I forget. :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

took a midterm today

for genetics.
twas simple and easy.
i always liked the genetics section of biology. it was the one that i understood the best.

and now it's time for statisticssss...

i think i'm going to drive down on wednesday. we'll see how soon i can get my stats hwk done.
i'm glad that people came up to visit. ^^ i had fun even though i was tired tired tiredddd.
hope to see you all soon.

Friday, July 2, 2010

this morning

i had one runny, garlic, and cheddar cheese egg... one slice of toast with butter and ground cinnamon, and a few grape tomatoes.

and also, i found out that yesterday i wrote my first (bounced) check.

today i'm leaving for renoooo.
i'm supposed to meet up with old friends, but the only person who seems to have contacted me is janaye, who i'm staying with.
hopefully the four hour drive will be worth it... i dont know what we're going to do.
but it'll be fun.
i'm sure.

also... what's going on with this visiting me and audrey trip/plan thing?
i feel like the group is slowly dwindling. "dropping like flies" is the term i believe?
in any case, i hope you guys do come! i already miss you all and i cant stand not seeing you ANY longer. xD

wish me luck on my four hour drive through the sierras... hopefully i dont die.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

i havent been watching any of the world cup games

like literally none of them.

i feel very unpatriotic saying that...
does it make me less of a korean if i don't really care we lost?
i know being an american has no requirements so i'm not worried about that one.

ah wells. it's time to go to ikea and buy stuff. yay.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

class started on monday

and i'm taking "genetics and society"
which i should have realized before would be boring, but i didnt.


i sit there for two hours while an elderly woman (she's kinda silly, but mostly serious) talks to us about things i have already learned at least four times.
yes, humans have 24 chromosomes!
yes, cells are surrounded by membranes!
yes, DNA is double stranded (except in some viruses)!

this means, hopefully, that i will get an A in the course. but usually the classes that are easiest to me i take less seriously and therefore do poorly. but this time will be different~! i may complain and think it is simple, but i will actually read my textbook (which is Genetics for Dummies btw. that tells you the level of understanding we are expected to have of genetics by the end of the course...) and actually pay attention in class and actually take notes and actually do the problem sets etc.

my other class is all online, which is kind of a bad idea for me because i lose interest and get distracted... plus reading math textbooks is difficult.

in other news, i now have a mattress and can sleep in my own room.
i haven't eaten out ONCE since i've been here, which i am proud of, but that's probably going to change tonight.
i also finally got a parking permit. i should go check on my car later today to make sure i did it right and dont have like twenty tickets piled on my windshield. ergh that would SUCK.

and on one last unrelated note,
last night i slept for almost 12 hours. ktfo indeed.

Sunday, June 20, 2010



it's weird now that everytime i'm hungry i have to actually think of something to make for myself instead of a place to go and get food.

hrmm.. so on saturday i drove up to berkeley by myselfffff
and that was scary and boring and long and tiring and made my back hurttttt.
and audrey helped me unload my car and get all my shtuffs upupup the stairs and into our teensie apartment, which, once we got more and more organized, looks less teensie.
the previous tenants turned this place into a shipwreck by the end of their three year stay; hopefully we will be better about neatness and cleanliness.
i'm on the right track though, spent a lot of time yesterday and today getting my stuff together. need to get a better system for my clothes tho. currently i have drawers for unmentionables, hangers in my closet for a third of my clothing, and the rest of it is just in a box on the floor of my closet. yay!

in the past twenty four hours i have driven around and around and around to all kinds of places for shopping and all that jazz.
went to target last night for a shower curtain so audrey could shower. then realized that we didnt buy the rings to attach it to our rod... so we had to go back in the morning. FAIL.
went grocery shopping whilst at target last night. and also at trader joe's this morning. grocery's are a lot cheaper than you'd think. i'm surprised it's so expensive to eat out all the timeee, just cook for yourself and save money!!
also tried to go to ralph's market... my gps took us to ralphs market. which was like a little liquor store type dealio. haha so we turned around
went on campus to go online, saw a dog being groomed in front of Dwinelle, came back and ate pasta, got internet, did a homework assignment for stats, picked up a friend from the airport, had in n out for dinner, came home and figured out wireless router business (audrey's a genius), and now i'm updating about my day!

it's nice to have my own place to call home, but it' FRIKKEN stressful to remember about parking and whatnot. T-T
i hope i can get a permit to park in the street soon, because everywhere else is expensiveeee AND i have to move my car a lot otherwise. every two hours basically. *sigh*
ugh, and i have to think about schoooooool. ew.

i miss everyone already, can't wait for a visit! ^^

Monday, June 14, 2010

to do list

1. buy a mattress and box spring (and sheets to go with said mattress. find out if they can deliver to norcal)
2. convince my dad to buy me a GPS, because just cuz he didn't need one all his life doesnt mean that i'm not going to get hopelessly lost in Oakland one night and end up shot dead in a drive by
3. pack up all my clothes, books, my monitor for my desktop and all my other electronics, bathroom stuff (including towels), kitchen stuff, seasonings/spices that i plan on buying in socal cuz it's cheaper apparently (who knew), shoes, bags and other miscellaneous things and somehow make it all fit in my car.
4. NOT MISS my last two doctor's appointments (8:30am Wed. and 11am Fri)
5. find time to hang out with people who, for some reason, have been consistently flaky.
6. try to help with packing other stuff for my madre and not leave them saddled with all my crap that i want to keep but dont necessarily have room for up at b-town.
7. take a look at my stats hwk starting from wednesday... and try to understand and get it done early. dammit... i hate math.
8. sell my dad's guitars and amplifiers and chords and my old textbooks online.
9. do the laundry before i go up
10. find those 8 rolls of quarters my mom set aside for laundry purposes.
11. take a picture of myself that isnt ugly and make a print of it (for non-vain purposes trust me...)
12. cut my nails.

i'm sure there's more but i cant think of anything else right now.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

this sounds interesting..

if i was old enough to drink legally i think i'd do this.

unless it's only allowed for men? idk.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

i love my friends

hahah we're so silly.

and we spend too much time on youtube xP

Saturday, May 29, 2010

my cousin is getting married today

i'm excited ^^
i wish i had a point and shoot so i could go around taking tons of unattractive pictures of my cousins, who i have been told will be piss drunk the entire evening. promisingggg! xD

i feel super girly saying this, but my nails are soo pretty right now!
my mom's friend is a manicurist (a frikken good one too. shiiiiet.) and so she did my nails for free at her house. oooh mai goosh! (reference.) but yeah i like my nails heehee xD

nothing else is going on in my life right now. how boring... :/

lets go play so i have something to blog about! lol. and also i want to spend time with my favorite people in the world. that's you. yeah. youuu. xD (reference again!)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

i like wifi

what does wifi stand for anyways? and did i put the right number of i's? eh.

reasons why i like it: i can sit on the toilet and surf the net at the same time. aweeesome.
i dont have to be interrupted by the need to go to another room while watching a video, etc.
no stupid wires to get all tangled up in, trip over, and then fall on my face in an embarrasing way while damaging the tech.

yep, basically an awesome invention. thank you, whoever came up with that shit.
i like the video scrapertown the best. maybe cuz i live so close to oakland while i'm at school ya kno? and so it makes me think, "man, there are crappy things going on all over the world, including twenty minutes away from where i am."

i'm pretty frikken unmotivated right now.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

being home

is nice
until i realize that my family wants things from me and demands things from me and is still trying to raise me.

then its kind of annoying.

be cool, emily.
they love you and you love them and its all going to be okay.

Friday, May 14, 2010


i'm finished with finals!
(finished because my 8th grade english teacher told me that turkeys in the oven are done, but I am finished with my work.

and now i get to be artsy and make stuff for my cousin and her wedding. :D
who wants to be artsy fartsy with me? ^^

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I got my first prints back!

holga = automatically artsy.

if i had a scanner i would upload them so you guys could see. but as it is, just take my word for it. artsy fartsy is accurate.

i dont want to study!!! T-T

Saturday, May 8, 2010

i want to go to there

when i get back to torrance, who wants to make a foodie run with me? xD

Thursday, May 6, 2010

early morning contemplations/complaints

it's six fifteen. I've been awake for at least 30 minutes, perhaps a bit more.
I am tired.
I want to sleep.
But the reason I am NOT sleeping is because of my cough.
I cant stop coughing.
My throat is raw, my chest is empty, and my abs are getting one major workout.
I keep drinking water, but that only helps for a few seconds before I am coughing again and i need to drink MORE water. This means that I pee a lot.
breathing is difficult.
the air is cold.
and i am so tired...
why can't i sleep?
Why God? Why universe? Please let me sleep! Please let me stop coughing and just lie restfully for a few more hours. Please?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

*clears throat*

i am sick

in that annoying way that lets me do all kinds of things but makes me feel miserable while doing all these things. :[

someone bought me a holga. :]
i'm pretty excited. already halfway through my second roll of film (the first roll i messed up so badly cuz i was super confused on how to use it lol.) and i'm waiting for the first roll to be done developing/printing at this one awesome photography shop that is admittedly walking distance, but still a bit too far for my taste. walking through that store made me miss photo class like NO OTHER. i miss the smell of fixer and stopbath and developer... i miss looking through an entire strip of CRAP film and finding the oooone picture that i like, and then trying to print it three times before it comes out right. i miss little strips of photo paper that tell me what exposure time will get me pure whites in my picture. i miss spooling film on the cheating plastic reels and the feeling of accomplishment that comes from FINALLY getting that bit of film open with a bottle opener.

maybe i'll try to take a photography class sometime in my college career, but i think that the film class was scratched for a digital class. balls.

i dont like being sick. :[

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

it's been a while

and finals are approaching
and school is ending.

the sun shines brightly, then is covered with clouds.
the clouds rain on the sidewalk and my head
the sidewalk smells like wet concrete
the wind blows the rain sideways and the smell to my nose
i smile and the water soaks through my clothes to my skin
i walk forward.

time goes by so quickly
relationships are formed and then fade
whisps of emotion on the winds of time.
life is a whirlwind
and i cannot live with regret
or without hope.

ok sorry, back to your normal programming.
once in a while i need to vent some abstract strange attempt at poetic thing.

i've learned a lesson this past couple weeks from a friend of mine. he didn't try to teach me, but i learned through his example.
lesson: love fiercely and wholeheartedly, purely and deeply.
i want to respect everyone that i know. i want to care for them and love them, even if i get hurt in the process. i want to take an interest in what hurts they may have and what joys they feel. That means you. You who take enough interest in me to read what strangeness I have to write here in my obscure corner of the internet.
This resolve may not change much of my day to day life, but just know that I think about you sometimes. That I wonder how you've been. How you've REALLY been, not just the things you write on your blogs or the things you laugh about with your friends on facebook. And that i'll always be here to listen if you should choose to share. Because that is what a relationship is... to care for each other enough to share our burdens and our struggles, and to love each other enough to want to share our joys and triumphs.

hrm, i guess i wasnt done with strange abstract and poetic, it just transformed into creepily deep and intense. xD


Monday, April 12, 2010

k so the earlier post was just a mini blurb

felt that i needed to rant about the unfortunate circumstances that sunny days put me in....

but the real reason i wanted to post was to relate the story of saturday.

so saturday was the amazing bear hunt.
no we didnt hunt for bears... (i dont know if that's allowed even...)
it was a scavenger hunt. a massssssive scavenger hunt that lasted for 12 hours and spanned through oakland, emeryville, berkeley, and san fransisco.

they gave us clues and we had to figure them out and take a picture in front of it with three people, with t-shirts visible and a whiteboard with the clue number on it. Problem: we only had three people in our group. usually there would be four people (three in picture one taking picture) but one of our members got sick. so we had to ask people to take the pictures for us. met some interesting folks along the way...

but seriously it was sooo tiring...

about mid afternoon my feet started to hurt.
a few minutes later my ankles were protesting.
several blocks after that my knees told me to sit down....

but i didnt!
i walked miles and miles and miles through shady west oakland and nice-looking bay street in emeryville and all over northside and the hills of berkeley and probably in a gigantic circle around campus at least twice. it felt like i was walking a marathon. T-T

by the end of it i rode the elevator up to the second floor of my building and stumbled into bed with clothes and contacts still on and fell asleep. woke up briefly to go to the bathroom and changed my pants and fell asleep again. woke up at 8 the next morning (just in time for church) with contacts still in and feet still hurting. i had a dream about the scavenger hunt dude.
that is the extent to which it consumed my life that day.

but seriously, never doing that again.
marathon runners, i commend you.
cuz that shit is DIFFICULT.

the weather hates me

every time i prepare for rain, without fail the sky clears up before i have enough time to use my umbrella with any kind of significance.

and everytime it rains, i am left outside, soaking, without a hood or an umbrella or SHOES.

why weather? are you having fun or something? cuz i'm NOT.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

i'm tired of waiting

i feel like i'm always waiting for something/someone.
a test coming up, a class i have to go to, a paper i need to write.
a book i need to order from another library, a fundraiser for a club,
a boy? a new church, a new fellowship group...

i'm tired of waiting.

but the only thing i can do to stop waiting, is wait. lol the irony.

Monday, April 5, 2010

dont laugh...

i joined greenpeace today.

*pause for laughter*

well...! $15 a month to save the earth aint so bad....

Friday, March 26, 2010

so this is what i have done

bought me a nice little netbook.
10" screen dealio with a promised 11HOURS of battery life. whoopie! ^^
toshiba you crafty fools.
admittedly it's kind of small and hurts to type on it for too long, but this is only going to be my primary for a little while (projecting a week-ish?)
mostly this is for taking to class and whatnot.
very portable and light.
specs if you're curious:
1.6 ghz cpu
bout 1 gig of ram.
120 gigs of hard disk space.
6cell battery

all in all i am pretty darn satisfied.
the screen resolution is very nice as well. considering.
and 11 HOURS??? jeeze louise

and as a more permanent solution i'm getting a compaq desktop (compaq again, they're not too great with laptops in so far as i have seen... not too sturdy... but hopefully desktop will be better) with a 23" monitor. which is huge! but my dad was like, well it's only ten more dollars than the 21" so....
and i was like


and now i'm going to write about five million essays on this tiny little netbook while trying not to overdose on tylenol. seriously my wrists are like "use proper typing form you nitwit!"
and i'm like "no!"

Thursday, March 25, 2010

fuckity fuck fuck fuck

so i'm sure facebook informed you all of the sad state my laptop is in.
but to go into details..
it crashes every so often (record being three times in two days) for no reason. i'm starting to think virus(es)?
and now the screen's contact broke, according to my father.
which means that when i open it, it flickers a little, and then the backlit thing just kinda stops working.
so i have to transfer all my documents and shit onto my external harddrive.
the thing says it'll take three hours.

so i am now going to try and shop for a new laptop. toshiba?
i want to get a 16" with 4 gigs of ram and large harddrive space, and preferrably something like 2.6 gigs for my cpu. it'd also be heavenly to have a 9cell battery.
my dad is saying that i should get a smaller one. something like 14" because it's more energy efficient and has a longer battery life. which means sacrificing processor (down to maybe 1.3 gigs). He thinks i can take up a 19" monitor that we have lying around at home (i havent seen this but i'm sure he'd know) and i guess buy a new keyboard/mouse? and then dock my laptop.

but then that makes me think, why not just get a netbook and a desktop then? same thing basically, but no need to dock the laptop.

but i really dont like netbooks. they're so tiny, i cant read/see anything. which becomes an issue when i'm taking it to class and need to look online for lecture slides or something...

and then there are the few crazy people who are telling me to get a mac.
which i would, but i dont really want to take that month of getting used to a mac in the middle of my midterms and papers and stuff where i kinda need to be proficient with my computer. and also i think that mac's are overrated and too expensive.

input? what do you guys think?
i kinda need to do all the shopping today online and then go to the store to buy it with my daddy tomorrow. because i need it for school.

speaking of which, i dislike the fact that i have homework over break due to being on the semester system.
i have an essay due monday that i havent started yet, joy of joys.
i have a shitload of reading to do/articles to find for my final paper outline which is due on wednesday. and i have no idea where to start with that. happy birthday TO me.
and i have a midterm coming up in immunology that i'm SOOO not ready for. zipideedoodah.

at least...

cant think of anything.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

100th post (finally)

i'm coming home!


and i might have a place to live next year!



for sure.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

happy st. patrick's day everyone


i forgot to wear green because i forgot it was st. patrick's day. :/

side note:
remember bullshit buddha essay?
FUCK yeah! got an A! xD

Sunday, March 14, 2010

busier than i have been in a while

so i guess i have to recap on last night too, just cuz it was like woah.

spent most of the night taking care of a drunk friend. it was scary at one point, but she's ok today so i guess its alright. i feel responsible tho, cuz it was just me and her, and i should NOT have let her drink that much that fast.
there was vomit and pine-sol and stumbling and falling down stairs and almost falling asleep and being taken back to the dorms with the help of a frat brother. (he was super nice, walked us all the way back and was very patient, didnt even try to make a move on us. very decent human being.)
and then i went somewhere else to meet up with my floormates after leaving my friend with her roommate. that place was also f*cked up. i had to throw my shoes away, just to give you an idea.

mmm... and so that was a lovely experience.
but this morning, i woke up earlier than i would have liked to, but it was annoyingly gorgeous weather outside so i guess i minded less. (annoying because, wtf? it was all crazy cold and rainy and windy a couple days ago! make up your mind!) anywho.
went to a camp kesem thing a majigger. saw a couple of REALLY cute kids, but had to leave before i could actually play with them.
and then i met up with some girls from my writing class. we had to go to the sf asian art museum. it was actually really awesome! the shanghai show was reeeeally interesting. you wouldnt think of chinese art to be like some of the things we saw. it was really similar to western art! some of it seriously reminded me of like wwI propaganda posters and others made me think of like French impressionist art. it was very diverse.
got to know some of the girls pretty well. :] it was fun. i shocked them with the news that i am korean. teehee.
and then we went to look at some apartments. i actually went to the place of one of the girls i went to the museum with. it was small but nice. very close by. hardwood floors, which is a plus. and they want to sell us their furniture so it's partly furnished, which is a HUGE plus. ^^
and another place was a little further away, is well lit and spacious, but its carpet floors and a lot of people are looking at it, so that puts pressure on us. :[
and then audrey wanted heartgold, so we walked down to the bank and then to gamestop.
and theeeeeeeen, we decided that yogurtland was a good idea. ^^
that was my dinner i think. sooooo much fruit. ><;;
and now i am here. and i must write an essay.

p.s. happy pi day

Friday, March 12, 2010


have a hole in them.

and that just defeats all KINDS of purposes!

Monday, March 8, 2010

you know

stride gum?
the forever fruit flavor?

i dont like the way it smells.
it smells reeeally strong.
and i dont like it.

just a thought. :]

oh. and audrey and stacy just came into the room arguing with each other in french accents.
those silly kids.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

i'm sick

every time i try to swallow, my body does a little mini seizure to cope with the pain.
my face scrunches up.
my leg lifts and shakes
my arms do that vigorous waving thing,
and i make a little moan of pain.

which is bad cuz i have to drink this tea, some theraflu tea, and some orange juice.
that is my self-medication.

my ears hurt.
deeeeeeep inside.

Friday, February 26, 2010

i am tired

of artsy fartsy and theoretical and conceptual and out there and significance and deeper meanings.

what happened to down to earth?
common sense?

i have to write a paper comparing/doing a visual analysis of two sculptures of the Buddha (apparently you always put "the" in front of Buddha. my gsi wrote it all over my rough draft.) and drawing some sort of conclusion based off of that visual analysis.

i would put up pictures of the two buddhas, but you guys would then try to do what i have to do and i dont want to put you through those three seconds of wtf.
i love you too much is all.

bah. midterm season.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

my parents

want me to come home once before spring break.

i would love to, but the only time i can would be.. the weekend RIGHT before spring break.
and that just seems pointless.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

i like

honey bunches of oats.

they're yummy.

i hate how my feelings are so fickle. they fluctuate so well based off of people around me.
i wish i was more consistent.
i wish my feelings were more reliable.

"self-sufficient," i have to whisper to myself every so often.


i got in as an alternate to camp kesem. depending upon funds and loyalty and how well they like me by the end of the semester, i may become a counselor. and i may not.

just so you know.

I took my first midterm yesterday.
finished shockingly and paranoia-inducingly early.

so now i'm waiting for my grade.
we'll see how that goes.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

camp kesem

is this summer camp for kids whose parents have/have had cancer.

and audrey and i applied to be counselors.
and she found out about their decision last night.
but they wont email me or call me or anything so i'm very sad and nervous.

i wish i knew...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

i'm disappointed

Former president Bill Clinton is coming to speak here.

And tickets went on sale today at 12.

and i woke up at 12 30. -_-"
by the time i found out that tickets were on sale at 12 today, i was in the shower yelling with my floormates over the sound of running water. and they told me that tickets were probably already sold out.

damn it.

side note: i like the band "never shout never" :]
look them up perhaps.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

do you ever

have to take a step back and think.
'wait... what am i doing?'

it's nice to do that once in a while i think.
slows you down...
forces you to experience your life instead of just living it mindlessly...
makes you think about where you are...
and where you've come from...
where you're going...
who you're becoming...
all that deep stuff.

i wish that i liked what i saw everytime i did that.

recently i've been looking at myself and seeing stuff i dont like.
flaws in the design and style...
inefficiencies in function
sometimes even the wrong function...

ah but then there are parts that i'm happy about. things i can live with...

but i bet everyone is like that right?

Friday, February 5, 2010


i dont think i spelled that right...

my air passageway feels tight.
but i can breathe just fine.

maybe it's nerves, but i dont really have anything to be nervous about.
yeah i doooo actually
i just dont want to talk about them here.
or anywhere.
i want them to go away like so many dandelion seeds.
poof! gone with the wind so they say.

on a happier note
i have learned how to play "chasing cars" on the guitar. yay.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

i have decided to take summer school

so that means my summer break is only going to be a month long.
but that's ok! xD
because there is a greater possibility of me being able to graduate in three years.
i tried to figure it out, but i just got really confused and so i gave up.
but the closer i got to a solution, the more convinced i was that i might be able to graduate in three years.
but here's to hopin~! xD

because the two courses i plan to take this summer are the only two prerequisites i have left to declare a psychology major. so i could apply to be a psych major in the beginning of sophomore year (provided my gpa is higher than a 3.2). And then if i take 15-16 units each semester and take another 8-9 units of summer school next year, then i will have enough units to graduate. i just need to be smart about which classes i take (need to fulfill random requirements ya kno).

and i also want to do the study abroad program, but i am way too confused about trying to graduate in three years as it is. but i REALLY want to go to the UK over the summer. :/ maybe there'll be a way i can work it out.

what would be the point of graduating in three years you ask?
easy peasy!
then i can volunteer for the peace corps and then come back to search for jobs without being too far behind. yay for competetive edges!

but this also means that i'd have to find a job over the summer/into the fall semester. because i still have ZERO work experience. :[

this means that for the whole month of break that i DO have, you all had better be available to go on epic roadtrips and camping and everything we said we were going to do!!! xP

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

spring semester '10

- Bio 11 [9-10am]
- MCB 50 [10-11am]
- HistArt R1B [11-12.30pm]
- Italian 1 [1-2pm]

- Italian 1 [1-2pm]
- MCB 50 discussion [3-4pm]

same as monday

-Italian 1 [1-2pm]

- Bio 11 [9-10am]
- MCB 50 [10-11am]
- Italian 1 [1-2pm]

it's a pretty nice schedule i think. the walking is a bit much, and i'm never early enough to get a good seat without crawling over people, but it'll have to do.

Italian is interesting. It's been a long time since I've been in an introductory language class and it's a bit frustrating to be stuck learning phrases like a tourist instead of the nitty gritty grammar stuff. Ah wells. The professoressa is a nice lady and the class is full of decent human beings insofar as i can tell. No annoying people yet. :] score.

Biology 11 is an introductory Biology class for nonBio majors. The professor is tall and lanky with a slight accent that i really cannot place. But he's white. He also said that if we were looking for an easy course to boost our gpa's, this wasn't it. oh joy. It should be ok though, considering how every couple years since seventh grade I've been force fed some form of biology.

MCB 50 is an immunology and disease course. The first third is about the immune system. The second third is about infectious diseases. The third third is about non infectious diseases. Sounds awesome right? ^^ My professor for this one is smart and fast paced. He doesnt believe in homework, we have no textbook, and he explains things really well. He's a good teacher, but its hard to take notes in that class since he moves so quickly. He's kinda funny too. Seems like the kind of teacher that I would want to be if i were ever to be a teacher.

History of Art R1B is a writing course. We look at art and write about it. My instructor is an Indian woman with a British Indian kind of accent. Her focus is on Asian art, especially Japanese art. There are quite a few papers to be writing, and I already have one due on Feb. 1, but that is to be expected since it is meant to fulfill the second half of my writing requirement.

I need to apply to L&S. (college of letters and sciences)
remember that I am still technically in the college of chemistry?
I think i'll go do that now.
Then i'll cook dinner for myself.
I hope it stops raining soon.

Friday, January 15, 2010

my heart goes out to you haiti

Tuesday there was an earthquake in Haiti.
i found out about it a couple days ago and thought nothing of it. Ah, earthquake, 7 on scale, right. Of course, i had no idea of what a 7 meant. Just remember that our Northridge earthquake was a 6.9, and Haiti is poor.

This morning i was dropping my brother off at school when I randomly decided to start listening to npr again. I learned that 1/3 of the population has been written off as either hurt or dead.
That's huge.
7,000 bodies were buried. That's more than 9/11. and there are many more bodies that have NOT been buried.

The Haitian government has no resources and cannot assist their people. Many areas have not seen any sign of the government, including police, since the disaster. They are left to fend for themselves while international aid is slowly coming to the capital.

It blows my mind how I can be so wrapped up in my little bubble of friends and family, filled only with concerns of going back to school, renovating my house, and emotional stability all around, while not too far from here people are dying, orphaned, injured, and starving to death, all without clean water or government aid.

i feel like a jerk...
if only there was a way to help.

Friday, January 8, 2010

my fingers

smell like pho.

and yet.

in other news:
i have the dawson's creek theme song stuck in my head. i never even saw an episode of that show! the universe is twisted.

boy0boy do they smell.

Monday, January 4, 2010

i forgot about sunrises

why am i up so early?

it was dark in my room when i woke up.

My dad was kind of shaking me and asking me to drive him to the airport because my mother was sick. What else is family for?
So i haul my fat ass out of bed and follow my father into the freezing cold darkness of before dawn in my pjs and glasses. I'm quiet while he drives down to LAX, partly from being sleepy, partly from being scared of driving home in my half asleep state.

it's still dark.

He stops in the arrivals section (faster/less people than departures) and i take the driver's seat. I try not to kill myself as i merge into the left lane without my side mirror, recall the 25 mph speed limit at LAX and also that i left my license at home. Get on the freeway (which i'm not
sure is the right one, but lucky me it was).

the sky is turning pink behind me.

I am blasting music in an effort to stay awake, and turn off the heater because it's not that cold anymore.

the clouds are on fire.

i get on local streets and almost get lost. why did i get off on inglewood? hawthorne would have been fine, and it's easier.

every time i turn to the south i glance left and see the molten gold horizon wreathed in brilliant displays of hot pink, red, purple, and orange clouds.
each time i turn west i spend more time than is necessarily safe looking in my rearview mirror to see my first sunrise in God knows how long.

my favorite time of day was always sunset.
every day it was different, but it was always beautiful.
a mini-miracle that faded into thick, glossy, star spangled night.
plus you didnt have to make any effort to see it, because most likely you'd be awake and in view of the sky around sunset.
but. i forgot about sunrises.
how glorious they can be.
as if the sun wants to make sure we are paying attention each time she arrives.
"be grateful i'm here!" she seems to cry out. "pay attention to me! i'm beautiful and you better goddamn know it!"

thank goodness my window faces east.
