Monday, August 23, 2010

camp kesem

oh my goodness!

i had a really really good time at camp. seriously if your school does have a camp kesem you should join it and become a counselor. because i just had a solid week of exhausting fun.

it has been so long since i hung out with a bunch of kids that i forgot how awesome they can be. they say cute things, they goof off, they're REALLY creative and funny, and above all they're really innocent and sweet. My experience was especially awesome since my kids had little to no behavioral issues. If you told them to stop doing something they might argue a little or come up with excuses, but they would stop. I'm so grateful that our kids were basically little angels.

Honestly, the whole purpose of camp didn't really hit home more than a couple times. The cancer aspect of it rarely came up, but when it did it was simply inspiring how these kids could manage to smile and laugh and joke around even though they were going through such tough stuff.

I dont want to sound cheesy or philosophical or abstract or anything, but it was seriously a blessing to participate in something like this. I had SO much fun, and yet I felt like i was making some sort of contribution towards bettering these kids' world.

Of course, by the end of camp i was sick as a dog with a fever, cough and body aches. After almost a day and a half of straight sleeping though, I am all better. Slight cough still but i feel great!

now i just have to do the laundry... :[

Monday, August 9, 2010

secret santa, year 3!

i know its kind of ridiculously early, but i want to pick names early this year so that we can do this thing properly. (instead of people getting their gifts months later)

and i know that we arent in the same place right now... most of us are on trips and things. so i wanted to put this out there early! make sure that everyone knows ya kno?

as such!
this is a website that can "pick names out of a hat" for us!
so i was going to ask you all to get back to me with your preferred email address sometime before the end of august.

and lets send out wishlists again! early, like i said! so that if you want something from the internet we have time to order it and all. :]
and lets just do one present this year and have a big gift exchanging party! ^^ yaaaaah!
with a reasonable price range? something where we can get an actually nice present, but that we dont go completely broke.

mmm yeap just a thought.

my email address:


Sunday, August 8, 2010

do you remember

hot cheetos and cream cheese?

very delicious.
very unhealthy.

mmmmm... so good.

Monday, August 2, 2010


i remember when i was younger, like elementary school or so
i used to watch the bruce lee movies on vhs.
i dont remember who with or when, but i remember watching them and liking them a lot.
and we had so many of them that i dont remember which snippets in my memory are from which movie.
so who wants to have a marathon with me and help me figure out which ones are actually good and which ones are just flimsy plot, nonsensical dubbing, and kick-ass action scenes?

i do.