Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy new year's eve

2009 is gone now

we're in the... tens? teens? the somethings...

ah 2010, you sneaky little bastard. i didnt even see you coming.

shall i take a look back at 2009?
a year of firsts...
and of change, i guess?
who would have thought, in say early 2008, that i would be this person?
yes, change is an accurate description.
month by month the future approaches, steadily... as if i should be prepared for it.

thanks to everyone who made 2009 what it was...
i'm looking forward to what 2010 will bring with you all.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

it seems

that there really are timelines for relationships.

i can't remember the exact quote, but there's a scene in "How I Met Your Mother" where someone (I think Barney) is telling someone else (let's go with Ted) how there are certain points in a relationship where people break up:

1st date
2 months
7 months
2 years
20 years
and till death do you part.

well... my past two relationships have ended at the second and third option so the theory feels pretty solid from my end...

lets just hope that there's not too many option ones before option six.

god i hate break ups.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


have to pee. :]

Monday, December 7, 2009

secret santa

our floor is doing a secret santa. and i know most everyone really well... like i'd have a gift idea under 10 bucks for each and every one of these lovable folks.
but of course, the person that i get is the person that i have talked to like what. twice? in all the time we've lived here. -_-"
yay for picking out of a hat.

we'll see how that goes.