Sunday, February 7, 2010

do you ever

have to take a step back and think.
'wait... what am i doing?'

it's nice to do that once in a while i think.
slows you down...
forces you to experience your life instead of just living it mindlessly...
makes you think about where you are...
and where you've come from...
where you're going...
who you're becoming...
all that deep stuff.

i wish that i liked what i saw everytime i did that.

recently i've been looking at myself and seeing stuff i dont like.
flaws in the design and style...
inefficiencies in function
sometimes even the wrong function...

ah but then there are parts that i'm happy about. things i can live with...

but i bet everyone is like that right?

1 comment:

  1. NOPE! stopping to evaluate yourself only slows you down... besides, I'm not that deep...
