Sunday, March 14, 2010

busier than i have been in a while

so i guess i have to recap on last night too, just cuz it was like woah.

spent most of the night taking care of a drunk friend. it was scary at one point, but she's ok today so i guess its alright. i feel responsible tho, cuz it was just me and her, and i should NOT have let her drink that much that fast.
there was vomit and pine-sol and stumbling and falling down stairs and almost falling asleep and being taken back to the dorms with the help of a frat brother. (he was super nice, walked us all the way back and was very patient, didnt even try to make a move on us. very decent human being.)
and then i went somewhere else to meet up with my floormates after leaving my friend with her roommate. that place was also f*cked up. i had to throw my shoes away, just to give you an idea.

mmm... and so that was a lovely experience.
but this morning, i woke up earlier than i would have liked to, but it was annoyingly gorgeous weather outside so i guess i minded less. (annoying because, wtf? it was all crazy cold and rainy and windy a couple days ago! make up your mind!) anywho.
went to a camp kesem thing a majigger. saw a couple of REALLY cute kids, but had to leave before i could actually play with them.
and then i met up with some girls from my writing class. we had to go to the sf asian art museum. it was actually really awesome! the shanghai show was reeeeally interesting. you wouldnt think of chinese art to be like some of the things we saw. it was really similar to western art! some of it seriously reminded me of like wwI propaganda posters and others made me think of like French impressionist art. it was very diverse.
got to know some of the girls pretty well. :] it was fun. i shocked them with the news that i am korean. teehee.
and then we went to look at some apartments. i actually went to the place of one of the girls i went to the museum with. it was small but nice. very close by. hardwood floors, which is a plus. and they want to sell us their furniture so it's partly furnished, which is a HUGE plus. ^^
and another place was a little further away, is well lit and spacious, but its carpet floors and a lot of people are looking at it, so that puts pressure on us. :[
and then audrey wanted heartgold, so we walked down to the bank and then to gamestop.
and theeeeeeeen, we decided that yogurtland was a good idea. ^^
that was my dinner i think. sooooo much fruit. ><;;
and now i am here. and i must write an essay.

p.s. happy pi day

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