Tuesday, January 6, 2009

i seem to be updating this a lot more than i thought i would. perhaps because I am more bored than i ever thought i would be.

i didnt do very well on the Sophocles timed write. i think that what i do is that when I dont know what to write, or don't have anything to say... i end up saying one thing in like eight thousand diff ways. just to fill the page. perhaps it would be better if i just wrote it out once and had a super short essay.. rather than repeat myself so much.

i think i'll take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that's what I do.
    My essays are like never more than one side of a page.
    Mostly because I don't know what the hell I'm writing and I decide to just stop the nonsense somewhere and rewrite the prompt for the conclusion.
    Which would explain my grade....
