Wednesday, January 14, 2009

the most secretist of secrets ever

i like it when people say things to me and tell me to keep it a secret. i like to find out what exactly they think constitutes a secret.

sometimes it really is a secret and shouldnt be told.

sometimes it is a secret that is a disguised cry for help.

sometimes it is some tidbit of info that i'm absolutely positive that no one will care about ever. ok maybe not no one.. but not anyone important.

eh. sometimes the secret isn't a secret anymore, the person who is telling me just doesnt know that.

but secrets are fun regardless. =] that's why we do things like secret santa~! or... secret keeper in harry potter! =] for fun!

Morse Code chart:

A: dot dash
B: dash dot dot dot
C: dash dot dash dot
D: dash dot dot
E: dot
F: dot dot dash dot
G: dash dash dot
H: dot dot dot dot
I: dot dot
J:dot dash dash dash
K: dash dot dash
L: dot dash dot dot
M: dash dash
N: dash dot
O: dash dash dash
P: dot dash dash dot
Q: dash dash dot dash
R: dot dash dot
S: dot dot dot
T: dash
U: dot dot dash
V: dot dot dot dash
W: dot dash dash
X: dash dot dot dash
Y: dash dot dash dash
Z: dash dash dot dot

1: dot dash dash dash dash
2: dot dot dash dash dash
3: dot dot dot dash dash
4: dot dot dot dot dash
5: dot dot dot dot dot
6: dash dot dot dot dot
7: dash dash dot dot dot
8: dash dash dash dot dot
9: dash dash dash dash dot
0: dash dash dash dash dash

my name in morse code = dot pause dash dash pause dot dot pause dot dash dot dot pause dash dot dash dash

i typed out that entire chart by hand (copy pasted dashes, but the dots are all real!).
where did that come from you ask? "desperate cry for help". bet you were expecting something about secrets.

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