Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekend--and then some.

so this post was meant for sunday night, but i drafted it, and then i forgot about it. -__- so now it's uber late. neways...


woke up at Sayo's and then went home, watched a couple of movies and then we had to leave for my uncle's house.

So we're running some errands and stuff and we call my aunt to see what we should get my cousin for her birthday. And we find out that they have rescheduled the get together for sunday. whoo. So we drove back home. Thankfully we didn't go very far in our errand running, but still. Such a waste of two hours.

Then i called John and he and decided to hang out after dinner. So I ate with my mommy (steamed crab), it should have been yummier than it was... the crabs weren't that fresh i suppose. My daddy took a nap since he had alcohol poisoning from the night before (when the children are away, the adults tend to play).

Then John came and we watched 72 minutes of Cars on Megavideo. hahaha. that's so annoying. but Cars turned out to be a really cute movie. ^^ i liked when the tow truck hooks the racecar in the back, and the racecar gasps. hahahahah. ^^ i should finish it.

so John left a bit later, and then I took a shower and went to sleepiebye.


Woke up, went to church.

Went to lunch with some church people (i think.. i might be making friends! oO)

Came home, finished FAFSA nd started CSS, went to my uncle's house, where we celebrated my little cousin's birthday. she got so excited that the instant anyone arrived and put a present down on any flat surface, she went crazy and opened all of them. the cute part is, that once we had sung happy birthday and caked and stuff, she was like "are we gonna open presents now?" lol. five year olds are funny. Went back home and then finished CSS. leanred about something else i have to do.. some IDOC crap. >:[ gah. i hate colleges.


Went with my mommy to get new contacts, and then went to Macy's and bought new clothes! yay! (only one shirt, but i like it! ^^) mmm.. figured out ride sityations with audrey, john, and andrew... john couldnt make it so i was sad, but i think it's ok to not hang out with him all the time. (my parents would gasp if they read that. they've been saying stuff like that while i made pouty sad faces for like... a month)

saw coraline. it was fun! ^^ i liked it!! Dakota Fanning did a good job! and the writers and animators and everything! very nice! (the mice were super cute! and i want a cat now)

Mikea, Andrew, Audrey, Alex, Nicolette, and I browsed through Urban, always interesting. and I found a hat that i would like, except that it's like 24 dollars. oO;; so sad.

Then mikea had to leave, and audrey had to leave, so we went to jamba juice. and i only had like.. two dollars. so i didnt get any. :[
sooo... jamba --> pier --> carl's --> my house. watched independence day. ^^ i love will smith. what a hottie.

mm... it was a nice day. maybe too much testosterone for a while.. but yeah. ^^

wow! what a long post!

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