Monday, March 30, 2009

emo bang -.\\


saturday turned out to be... boring. and then all of a sudden super exciting~! oO;;

loafed around the house in the morning waiting for john... he didnt come... had to buy a car.. which makes squeaky noises when he turns cuz the steering weel is all leathery or something. i might buy him a steering wheel cover. lol. spelling fail. i was typing wheel as weel, and totally paused, thought "should there be an h in it? nah. that's for where!" phail. DIGRESSION

anywho. planned something with audrey, but i was sad that i couldnt see john, so it ended up failing. like i wasnt motivated enough to make it happen.

watched under the tuscan sun again. its a good movie. i like it.

went to go get dk for kogi truck. got lost. called audrey for directions. went in the wrong way and talked to the nice security guard lady, who gave us directions. she somehow knew where we were going before we said anything because someone else came before us asking for the same thing. find out later that that someone else... was ashley! oO;; ^^

sooo. kogi truck was spectaculariffic. i think next time i'm just going to get ten tacos and eat them all day long. ^^ yummmm. tacos. now i want some. oh and while standing in line, there were these two babies waddling around. one of them was super friendly and cute (but his mommy was like "grrrrrrr. stay away from my child you dirty teenagers!" facial expression-wise.) and the other one had a car thing with the long handle so the parents can steer them heehee. megusta.

then we had to rush over to ray's church, and find out that andrew's not good at having people follow him in a car. YELLOW MEANS STOP.

met some people (i might still remember their names... annie erica laurie james jacob... eh i dunno. they were nice tho) for like two seconds and then went to ray's car and drove to anaheim! whooo! that was the closest i've been to disneyland in like.. two years. more than that actually. possibly three/four years. perhaps i should go sometime. hrm. we'll see.

wanted a slurpee really bad, but we had to pay for parking and tickets (i am now in debt to ray). watched sabby's last competition dance routine majiggery. she was so cute! ^^ i remember listening to that music with her while walking to econ, and she was describing her thought processes... and was trying to see if i could tell. and i could! i was like.. oh she's like "omg i have to jump" and now she's like "whew, the rest is easy" and stuff.

then we left cuz i was all nervous... cuz my parents didnt even know i was out. and like.. each time i called.. she had a mood swing. first time she called me she was like.. ''ANAHEIM?? what are you doing there!? whena re you going to be home!??? what???? eleven!?!?!? omg!!" and then i called her to be like.. hi mommy, i'm leaving for home now. and she was like.. "oh! well i havent left yet either. heeheehee. get home safe!" and then when i got home her face was like. "you are late." and she said "go to bed now." and i was like oO;; confused.

came home and crasheeeeed.

and sunday will be a separate post cuz this is really long.

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