Sunday, March 8, 2009

so saturday....

was super fun!! ^^

for the most part.

woke up at like nine... called sayo to see what was up. took a shower and etc. sayo came over to eat a yummy thingie my mom made... lemme see if i can find a picture of it online.

twas even better than the above since my mommy added shrimpies. =] yum!

ate that while watching the end of ocean's twelve and some super awesome chef lady. she was like the hulk! cept her hair was like a blonde hedgehog! hedghulk! attack! xD

she was soooooo funny tho.

then we decided to head out to american apparel.

sayo and i drooooooooooove all the way down.

i got a nice skirt and some ELECTRIC BLUE shorts. they're kinda short to wear to school, so if you ever want to see them you'll have to catch me in a lounging state. xD i think i'm going to trade the skirt for a different color tho. :[

or maybe a shirt. cuz i want that v-neck shirt now. even though it's low enough to show my booblets when i bend over. (booblets because they're smaller than boobs i think. ^^) i just wont bend over~! ^^

in any case. i want that shirt :[

and possibly that sweater. :[

GAH! there were so many things i wanted!! T-T

in any case.

we then walked down to the beach and sampled the sand with our toes.

walked all the way down to what looked like a cool gathering of people.. possibly a surf competition since there were a heck of a lot of surfboards stuck in the sand. but! i think it was a wedding. cuz there were white chairs lined up in a very wedding-like fashion.

sooo.. as to not intrude... sayo and i skedaddled.

we walked along the beachfront houses and contemplated their prettyness and expensiveness.

then we walked down to see all the stores. i decided that i liked the store "mikey stars" (i think that was what it was called.) they had cute little sample dishes of like muffins and drinks and stuff, but i felt bad to eat them cuz we werent gonna buy anything...

then we headed over to blockbusters to rent marie antoinette. HOWEVER. you have to be 18 to get a card. darn it. well... its just one more thing to look forward to i guess.

so driving back home, we stopped by penguins. after we failed miserably trying to get to pinkberry. that place is hard to get into if you're not on that side of the road!! drove in a LARGE circle. T-T

then when we got home, i was surprisingly greeted by... nothing. lol. my daddy was watching something, but we changed it to bend it like beckham. hahah. her mom thought she was a lesbian ^^ funnie. =]

then john walked in (cuz my front door is never locked... and i didnt answer my phone) and we ate fried rice. whoot. ^^

after that, sayo went home and john and i went to go pick up james.

we were going to some bonfire thing.

it was lame. i had to pay fricken three dollars for parking.

we got there at like five... were bored for like ever, so we left james with his friendlings and drove down highland for a LONG time.

ended up back at american apparel area.

went to vons and bought some peeps. ^^ they're SO cute.

but SO sugary. oO;;

went back to go get james. IT WAS COLD

so we stood next to the fire and watched while drunk people and high people made fools of themselves. it was kind of funny. ^^

took james home early. frikken waste of time. but he was rolling so we had to stop by carl's to wait for him to sober up a little. hahaha we were talking about peeps and he was like "you know those things blow up in the microwave?" and then i offered him one and he said "NO WAY MAN! what if it blows up in my stomach?" hhahahah ^^ kids are silly when they're high.

mmm went back to my place and chilled with john. almost fell asleep cuz i was TIRED.
then john went home hoome home.
and yeah. now i'm broke out of my mind! oO;;


  1. Hahahaha.
    It's Michael Stars :]
    Sounds like you had a fabulouso weekend.


    innesses!! xD

  2. I heard about that bonfire.
    Eric Kim was telling me about it.
    People were doing like ecstasy and cocaine and weed.
